Lucerne Festival
Datum 28.08.1987 20:00
Event Chorkonzert
Festival Chorkonzerte / Geistliche Konzerte
Location Jesuitenkirche
Orchester/Ensemble Akademiechor Luzern (Koch Alois)
Sinfonieorchester der AML
Dirigent Koch Alois
Solisten Juon Julia, Alt & Widmer Kurt, Bariton
Komponist Hindemith Paul (1895 - 1963)
Werk "When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloom'd" Requiem for those we Love (nach einer Dichtung von Walt Whitman)
Entstehung 1946
Sätze "When Lilacs"
Arioso, "In the swamp"
March, "Over the breast of the spring"
"O western orb"
Arioso, "Sing on, there in the swamp"
Song "O how shall I warble"
Introduction and fuge, "Lo! body and soul"
"Sing on! you gray-brown bird"
Death Carol "Come, lovely and soothing Death"
"To the tally of my soul"
Finale, "Passing the visions"
Dauer 65
Imprimat 73