Lucerne Festival
Datum 05.09.1982 20:00
Event Kammerkonzert IV
Festival Kammermusik / Bläserserenaden
Location Kunsthaus
Orchester/Ensemble Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
Dirigent Howarth Elgar
Solisten Philip Jones Brass Ensemble
Komponist Byrd William (1543 - 1623)
Werk "The Battell", Bearbeitung: Howarth Elgar
Sätze 1 The Marche before the Battell
2 The Souldiers' Sommons
3 The March of Footemen
4 The March of Horsemen
5 The Trumpetts
6 The Irishe Marche
7 The Bagpipe and the Drone
8 The Flute and the Droome
9 The March to the Fighte
10 The Retraite
11 The Burling of the Dead
12 The Morris
13 The Souldiers' Dance
14 The Gaillarde for the Victorie
15 The Earle of Oxford's Marche
Dauer 30
Imprimat 105