Composer Seminar 2024 - Anniversary Edition

Lucerne Festival Academy 2024
Composer Seminar - Anniversary Edition
by Wolfgang Rihm and Dieter Ammann

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Lucerne Festival Academy, there will be an additional Composer Seminar for Orchestra. 

Arrival Day:                 Friday, 16 August, 2024
Composer Seminar:    Sunday, 18 August - Sunday, 25 August, 2024
Departure Day:           Monday, 26 August, 2024

This additional composer seminar provides four young composers an intense dialogue with Wolfgang Rihm, Dieter Ammann, and international young performers. During the first part, participants discuss their music with Wolfgang Rihm and Dieter Ammann in plenary sessions and in one-on-one discussions. Later the composers will be joined by young conductors of Lucerne Festival's Contemporary-Conducting Program and the Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra (LFCO) to rehearse their new works for Orchestra written for the composer seminar to be premiered as part of the Summer Festival 2024.

Profile of Participants
– Advanced composition students and professional composers
– Age limit: 32 as of August 1, 2024 (not older than 32 years on August 1, 2024)
– Course language: English

Documents to be submitted (all documents can be submitted online except the scores)
– Photo (headshot)
– Curriculum vitae in German or English (maximum of two pages)
– Scores of two to three final works of different instrumentation (no solo works), one work for orchestra is obligatory
– Recordings in mp3 format of at least one of the submitted works, instrumentation preferably from 6 players upwards

Please upload the recordings of your work and the scores (as PDF) online.

Further, send one printed copy of the scores to the following address:

Lucerne Festival Contemporary
Composer Seminar
Hirschmattstrasse 13
CH-6003 Luzern

Important: The printed scores have to be delivered until Monday, 4th December 2023 at the latest!
Later entries of scores are not accepted and the application cannot be considered.

The course management will decide on active participation upon receipt of the registration forms and scores. The results of the selections will be announced by mid-January, 2024. There is no right of legal appeal. No correspondence regarding the decisions will be conducted.

New works
Composers must create a new piece lasting about 5minutes for orchestra. 
Please note that electronics may not be used.

Application deadline
Monday, 4 December, 2023 (23:59 CET, Swiss time)

Delivery dates for new works
March 18, 2024: Confirmation of instrumentation including list of percussion instruments
June 17, 2024: Delivery PDF score and parts to Lucerne Festival

Course fee
There is no fee for active participation in the Composer Seminar.

The Lucerne Festival Academy will cover the travel expenses for each active participant.

Lucerne Festival will arrange and cover the costs of accommodation for each active participant in a local host family.

Each active participant will receive a per diem for meals.

Each participant must provide his/her own scores.


By submitting the application documents, the applicant confirms that he/she has been informed of Lucerne Festival's privacy notice. The privacy notice is available at the following link.
Anmeldeschluss ist der 04.12.2023.
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